"Italians have gone everywhere in the world" is a recurring statement when we speak of Italian emigration and we want to underline its industriousness and ability to create development opportunities in any context. But it's true? If not everywhere, the Italian presence is currently officially documented in over 185 countries according to AIRE).
According to official statistics, as of January 1, 2020 there are 5,486,081 Italians residing in the world, while it is estimated that there are about 80 million descendants of Italian emigrants.
The latter are the heirs of men and women who left over the centuries from every region of Italy.
Although with different characteristics and motivations from region to region, a consistent flow of people has left Italy over time. Leaving without references, or following in the footsteps of fellow villagers and family, giving life to the so-called "migratory chains"; leaving determined not to return or, on the contrary, desirous of returning to Italy; called abroad to work as skilled workers; leaving alone or with family; leaving Italy to follow love or to abandon a land stingy with opportunities.